Knee Pillows
If you tend to sleep on your side at night, then you are sure to be quite familiar with the uncomfortable feeling of having your knees resting on each other. This not only makes it more difficult to get to sleep quicker, it has also been directly linked to a poor night's sleep due to tossing and turning during the night from this discomfort. Fortunately there is a very simple remedy for this and that comes in the form of a knee pillow. This is one of the most cost effective and simple ways to make sure that you are getting the full night's sleep that your body so desperately needs for maximum health levels and decreased mental and physical stress.
Not only do these knee pillows help you experience greater comfort when drifting off to sleep, they also present a number of therapeutic benefits as well. You can do a lot to prevent pain in your hip region as well as your lower lumbar region by using one of these specially shaped pillows. They help support a proper alignment of your spine and hips which not only decreases the possibility of experiencing a painful awakening, they also help to relieve spinal pressure since they encourage proper alignment.
And the great part is that these pillows create a super simple way to alleviate potential pain. You can ease back pain, hip pain, and pain around the knee areas simply by placing this pillow in between your knees at bedtime. This helps to keep your knees separates and does a lot to reduce the strain that might be on your hip bones.